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Andy Griffith - Wikipedia, the free. DVD's on sale now Trailer for Play The Game, starring Andy Griffith, Paul Campbell, Doris Roberts, Liz Sheridan, and Marla
Get the complete biography of Andy Griffith on Yahoo! Movies. Prior to becoming a friendly face in many American living rooms, Griffith was a talented musician …
Andy Griffith Filmography
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"The Andy Griffith Show" (1960). View Andy Griffith's filmography, actor bio, upcoming movie release dates, photos, and more on Fandango.Andy Samuel Griffith (June 1, 1926 – July 3, 2012) was an American actor, television producer, Grammy Award -winning Southern-gospel singer, and writer. He was a
Rent Andy Griffith movies at Blockbuster. Your online source for Andy Griffith movies, biography and filmography. Andy Griffith and over 600,000 other actors can be

Andy Griffith Movies
Andy Griffith Filmography
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Andy Griffith Biography - Yahoo! Movies