bump under chin on jaw hurts

Teeny tiny white bumps on my chin and.
Weird swollen bump under chin: I woke up last night and my chest was hurting, right near the sternum. It felt like when you get a chest cold, but no other
3 days ago I woke up without the bump, but throughout the day the area around the left side of my vagina became increasingly sore. It wasnt till i came home that i
26.04.2008 · Best Answer: It sounds like you have a swollen lymph node. The lymph nodes function is to fight infection. Since you were sick when it appeared then it was
Bump Under Right Jaw
Hello! I seem to be cursed with little tiny white bumps all over my chin, jaw, and upper neck. I'm 23 years old and I've had a least a few since I
Lymph node under the chin? -Doctors. Lumps Under Jaw Weird swollen bump under chin - Online.
I found a lump under my chin between my.

bump under chin on jaw hurts
bump under chin on jaw hurts
Bump under jaw? - Yahoo! Answers
26.02.2009 · Best Answer: I think you should go to a doctor because even if it isn't cancerous you can find out if you have a sore throat :]